Dallas – Methodist Health System today announced it has received its first shipment of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. “We are excited to be among the first in the state of Texas and nation to receive and administer this vital vaccine,” says James Scoggin, Jr., Methodist Health System Chief Executive Officer. With this initial shipment Methodist will begin immediately ad ...
Great Friends, Great Nurses, Great Team
I have had the privilege of working and mentoring Jessica Pena and Katherine “Katie” Cacioppo for the last six months on 6 Medical. These two young women are unique to Methodist Richardson Medical Center because their story began in the year 2000, when they first met in kindergarten. Katie was shy and reluctant to go into the classroom. But the outgoing Jessica invited her to c ...
To Get Through the Pandemic, Make Health a Priority
As COVID-19 affects every aspect of our lives, it’s more important than ever to focus on enhancing our physical and mental health. Staying well not only improves your immunity but also keeps you mentally sound during times of uncertainty and stress. Like now. In honor of Employee Health and Fitness Month, I encourage you to ask yourself what you can do to stay healthy during t ...
What about our spiritual health? Methodist chaplains are on it.
Methodist Health System, as the name implies, has its roots in the United Methodist Church. The idea for the first Methodist hospital, in fact, came out of a Sunday school class nearly a century ago. So Methodist’s healing mission is the direct result of its founders’ faith. These days, the chaplains at Methodist hospitals are busy assuaging the fears and anxieties of our staf ...
COVID-19 Prayer: Grace Under Fire
On the wall in my office hangs a quote by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy.” This quote reminds me that our character and integrity are best determined when life’s circumstances go against our normal way of functioning and not when ...
De-stressing During a Pandemic: Tools for Parents and Other Adults
Is it even possible to ease stress, fear, and anxiety during this pandemic? I believe so. As a nurse, Registered Yoga Teacher, Mayo Certified Health Coach, and certified Mindfulness Trainer, I help people minimize stress and maximize wellness every day. And I know it can be done. It just takes a bit of focus and practice. For example, let’s say that you’re a mom or dad, you ca ...