Methodist Health System Blog

By John E. Phillips, FACHE President Methodist Mansfield Medical Center If you thought you knew Methodist Mansfield Medical Center, it’s time to take another look. I’m proud to say we’re growing by leaps and bounds thanks to the support of the community and the commitment of Methodist Health System. In response to the strong demand for surgeries, Methodist Mansfield began c ...

Posted Cardiology, Facility Expansion

11/13/13 All Four Methodist Facilities Recognized by The Joint Commission Four Methodist Health System hospitals have all been named among the Top Performers on Key Quality Measures® by The Joint Commission (TJC) for achieving exemplary performance in using evidence-based clinical processes that are shown to improve care for certain conditions. The commended clinical categori ...

Posted Cardiology, News, Patient Care, Stroke

By Steve Maffei Organizational Effectiveness Director Methodist Health System Employee engagement has become a hot topic in health care. Why are hospitals so focused on this metric and how does it influence quality of care and the patient experience? Methodist Health System identified employee engagement as a touchstone measurement a few years ago. Partnering with the A ...

By Carrie Camin Assistant Vice President, Wellness Methodist Health System There’s nothing like the first cold snap — which for Dallas means our temperatures drop below 90 degrees — that sends many people to the kitchen for fall baking. After all, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Celebrating the fall harvest means richer flavors, but it doesn’t have to mean that ...

Posted Diabetes, Employee Health