Erik Leopard is Methodist Health: Key Learnings

By Erik Leopard
HR Business Partner, Methodist Dallas Medical Center

1.What’s the most important takeaway you’ve learned in this program that you’ll use to stay on track for the rest of your life?

  • Calorie counting
  • Reading food labels

2. Out with the old and in with the new. Give me two new healthy habits you’ve incorporated into your life.

  • Calorie counting
  • Portion control

3. Tell us at least three improvements you have accomplished in this program.

  • Moved from a prediabetic stage to normal
  • Lowered body mass index (BMI) by four points
  • Reduced waist size by four inches
  • Lost 20+ pounds in three months
  • Cut triglycerides in half

4. What are the advantages of having the support of a health coach and trainer? Why?

  • Accountability
  • Education
  • New ideas and strategies

5. Hats off to you. Congratulations. Way to go! Now that you’ve completed this program, what’s your next goal to continue to improve your health?

  • Maintain healthy habits
  • Continue to lower my BMI and weight and reduce my waist size